Saturday, December 26, 2009

TOA December 99 Graduates 10th Year Reunion Dinner

It was after our graduation from The One Academy on December 1999. Most of uf who attended the dinner was either committee or from the Graduation Board. We invited heaps but only 20 turn up. Some changed, some remained the same, some married, some still single and the stories goes on. It was 10th years from the day we graduated, and finally we meet again even though some of us still meet up once in a while. We had our reunion dinner at Jogoya StarHill and it was fully sponsored by the graduation fund that we still have. The balance of the money after we had our nice filling dinner was donated to the people in needs. End of the day, there were so many stories and laughter. And I hope everyone the best and hope to see you again sometime soon~ :)

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