It's Halloween Day and the buaya gang celebrated my belated birthday at Delicious Dua Residency. Few of us came with a simple costume in conjunction with Halloween. I came with the theme - School, Sofie came in a witch hat, Azlan came with a knife stucked in his head and Isk came with a skeleton mask.
We had the greatest fun with all the props and the food was excellent. The environment was excellent too. My cake was made from lots of cupcakes and a strawberry mousse cake in the middle. Nice~
Thank you guys for the celebration. Love it~ Appreciate~ Thank you~!
Excellent movie~! Slow at the start but it picks up really quick after that. And you be glued to your seat until the end of the movie. Fabulous acting by Jamie and Butler. Excellent~! Worth going to the cinema and watch it.
I was all relaxing at Hanif's orchard and waiting for Eva to arrive. She said that she will only want to come on Sunday because she do not want to do camping. Ok. Fair enough. So on Sunday, she managed to call some friends and accompany her to the place. I waited and waited. But they have not arrive yet. I waited until I was almost going to sleep when suddenly, there she was with my cake and present~! SURPRISE~!
So my 30th birthday was at a jungle with waterfall, camping with durian and rambutan, with a bunch of friends and most important, a surprise wish from my wife~ Thank you all~
And the present of awesome~!! Logitech G27~ woohoo~~!! Now I have to get myself a new computer for that :(
After all the surprise party and the cake cutting, we all went and enjoyed ourselves at the waterfall. Look at it~! How cool is that?
It was beautiful Saturday and a few of us went to Hanif's Orchard at Raub, Pahang. We made ourselves a tent and camp for a night. There were durians, rambutans, ATV, waterfall, roast lamb, BBQ, shin ramyeon, soju.. the lists just goes on. The place is huge and we were joined by his family and relatives. And the place managed to occupied everyone and have plenty of rooms for more. 29acres of land. That is how big the place is.
Had a wonderful time there. With all the food and games and relaxation. The road to the place was also awesome~ long winding road to gravel. Woohoo~ Rally style~!
Me and a couple of my friends from my-Kart got the privilege to organize a private karting session with Tony Fernandes and his friends. He was absolutely a down to earth kinda guy and very humble. Fantastic guy.
It was a belated birthday celebration for Karen from us. Friends from college. We went to this Italian Restaurant at Jalan Berangan, KL. Basically an old building converted to a restaurant with a lounge at the roof. Fantastic environment. The food was alright. We had pork legs, chicken and gelato. Delicious. Absolutely fantastic. Great place to hang out.
Bought myself a new lens today. And straight away, tested it out the same day. Snap here and there to experiment the depth of field, experiment this and that. Fantastic lens and I love it.
I know this is a long time ago. But do you remember the show Britain Got Talent? In 2007 Paul Potts surprised everyone on stage during the audition by performing Opera and singing Nessun Dorma. He won the contest and got his prize money. Got himself a record album that sells over 2 million copies worldwide. Winning the contest also allows him to have the honor to sing in front of Her Majesty the Queen. And this is the video of him singing for Her Majesty the Queen. Enjoy~
I like to say the stage, the orchestra and the backup choirs were excellent. Well, everyone on stage has to be superb that night. It's for Her Majesty the Queen~!
Watched this movie long time ago but haven't got the time to write my views about it. An exciting movie straight from the start to the finish. Action-packed all the way. Actually love the concept of using the bandits to be the soldiers in the game. Even though some of them will just think it's only a game. But indeed it gives them a second chance to be in the civilization again. The people in the game are convicted with death penalty and are waiting for their time to come. These people will die with electric chair, venom injection, etc.. you name it. But they are given a second chance by participating in this game whereby they are controlled by people from another side. But the tough part is to stay alive for 30 games and you are free. How many times have you win 30 times straight in your Counter Strike games? Hard isn't it. But yea.. you have to watch this movie if you are an action-packed fellow. Cannot miss this movie.
Not what I was expecting. This Sci-Fi robot movie is basically a detective movie whereby people in the old age can still be young and runs around with full of stamina and never gets tired. So those police will be like working till they die in their chair. But the problem with it is, how will the population grow? Anyway, then there is this people that hates the surrogates and live on their own like normal people. And so there are wars between the humans and the surrogates. But strange thing is the surrogates are control by humans too. Hmm.. anyway, it's still alright to watch it in the cinema.
Seperti aku Seperti jiwaku Menyusuri telaga waktu Seperti langkahku
Sejenak berhenti Kau tampak berdiri Lalu kau bersiap berlari Meratapi bumi
Jangan berhenti Kau tetap berdiri Lalu kau bersiap berlari Merata di bumi * Hatiku takkan tetap begitu Tetaplah lah dibelakangku Hingga hari menghentikan waktu Tetap iringi langkahku
Sudahlah ku Tak lagi bergaul Tapi kau selalu Merawatku
Deru sang ombak bersilir ke pantai Disambut alunan nyiur melambai Rembulan megah di atas mahligai Tersenyum melihat kita berdua Angin membawa lagu cinta Sejuta bintang bermain mata Seakan rela dua insan di dalam skenarionya Antara Anyer dan Jakarta Kita jatuh cinta Antara Anyer dan Jakarta Kisah cinta tiga malam Kan kuingat selamanya Antara Anyer dan Jakarta
Sia sia sudah Kita jalin cinta Bila hati selalu berbeda
Sampai kapan lagi Aku harus menahan Rasa kecewa di dalam dada
Seandainya kita masih bersatu Tak mungkinkan menyatu Walau masih ada sisa cinta Biarkan saja berakhir sampai Di sini
Tiada lagi yang ku harapkan Tiada lagi yang ku impikan Biar aku sendiri tanpa diri mu Tiada lagi kata cintamu Takkan lagi ku bersama mu Biar ku simpan semua Kenangan ku bersamamu
saatnya ku berkata mungkin yang terakhir kalinya sudahlah lepaskan semua ku yakin inilah waktunya * mungkin saja kau bukan yang dulu lagi mungkin saja rasa itu telah pergi
reff:dan mungkin bila nanti kita kan bertemu lagi satu pintaku jangan kau coba tanyakan kembali rasa yang ku tinggal mati seperti hari kemarin saat semua di sini
dan bila hatimu termenung menghindari mimpi-mimpimu membuka hatimu yang dulu cerita saat masa lalu
repeat * repeat reff
reff2: tak usah kau tanyakan lagi cinta untukmu sendiri semua sesal yang kau cari semua rasa yang kau beri
At this hour I am still not sleeping. Working tomorrow will be extremely hard. Maybe super sleepy too. What was I doing at this time of the hour, Facebooking, Youtubing.. hehehe~ But one leads to another, leads me to this song. First I was watching this guy doing an impersonating about other singers, then slowly by random clicking to other links lead me here. Nice song but it is sad :(